
12 Best Beaches in Japan

Ministry of the Environment in Japan nominated 100 beaches for the best selection of bathing beaches in 2006. In particular, the best of best 12 beaches was selected at that time. I’ll show you the 12 best beaches in Japan.

Jodogahama Beach, Iwate prefecture

By Junpei Satoh – Sennin-G, CC 表示-継承 3.0, Link

Kodanohama Beach, Miyagi prefecture

Shallow and calm beautiful beach. Located near by Kugunarihama Beach (the photo below), which is known as sounding sand.

By Ubuhouse投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 3.0, Link

Makino Sunny Beach, Shiga prefecture

Located in the south of the Lake Biwa. The beach is accessible from Kyoto (about 70 km, 40 miles).

Keinomatsubara Beach, Hyogo prefecture

A place of scenic beauty, Keinomatsubara (the photo below) is behind this beach. Also, this is a hot spot to make a marriage proposal and write the words on a tile.

By Pinqui投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 3.0, Link

Blue Beach Nachi, Wakayama prefecture

This beach is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range (the photo below).

By 663highland投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示 2.5, Link

Kataonami Beach, Wakayama prefecture

historically popular scenic area, Wakanoura (the photo below) is located near by this beach. The beach is accessible from Osaka (about 90 km, 50 miles).

By 663highland投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示 2.5, Link

Osuna Beach, Tokushima prefecture

The high quality of water is attractive.

Honjima Tomari Beach, Kagawa prefecture

Great island view.

Shimoaso Beach, Miyazaki prefecture

No.1 beach in Kyusyu.

Manza Beach, Okinawa prefecture

A place of scenic beauty, Manzamo (the photo below) is behind this beach.

By Yuniko – 自ら撮影, CC 表示-継承 3.0, Link

Rizzan Sea Park Beach, Okinawa prefecture

Renaissance Beach, Okinawa prefecture

This selection was selected by evaluating following points:

  • Beautiful
  • Clean
  • Comfortable
  • Friendly
  • Ecological


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