Author: Yuki


All About Japanese Rice

As a Japanese man, I’ll show you all about Japanese rice. Japanese people eat rice as our staple foods. Do you know how much rice do Japanese people eat in a year? The answer is 54.6 kg (120 lbs, dry weight) per person! But the amount has decreased over the past decades. In 1962, they ate 118 kg (260 lbs) in a year. I’m going to introduce the following topics. How to Cook Japanese Rice Most Japanese people usually cook rice by using the rice cooker. But it’s easy to cook Japanese rice by other means. I’ll show you some tips which you can make more tasty Japanese rice. The

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Moriya Beach – Best Beach Around Tokyo –

Moriya beach (守谷海水浴場), located in Chiba prefecture is a great place to go swimming in the sea around Tokyo. It was elected one of the 100 best bathing beaches in Japan by Ministry of the Environment in 2006. There’s a island with a shrine gate over the sea. The island named “Watashima” is sometimes accessible by foot at low tide (20 times in a year). Bathing Season Mid-Jul to August. Facilities Parking, changing rooms, lockers, stores and some refreshment stands are available on the season. Access About 2 hours drive from Tokyo or Narita airport. Also, you can go there by train and a 8-minute walk. Kazusa-Okitsu station (JR East’s

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12 Best Beaches in Japan

Ministry of the Environment in Japan nominated 100 beaches for the best selection of bathing beaches in 2006. In particular, the best of best 12 beaches was selected at that time. I’ll show you the 12 best beaches in Japan. Jodogahama Beach, Iwate prefecture Kodanohama Beach, Miyagi prefecture Shallow and calm beautiful beach. Located near by Kugunarihama Beach (the photo below), which is known as sounding sand. Makino Sunny Beach, Shiga prefecture Located in the south of the Lake Biwa. The beach is accessible from Kyoto (about 70 km, 40 miles). Keinomatsubara Beach, Hyogo prefecture A place of scenic beauty, Keinomatsubara (the photo below) is behind this beach. Also, this

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Why “Sushiro” is Popular Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurants in Japan

Popular conveyor belt sushi chain Sushiro (スシロー) becomes the best seller sushi company in Japan. Previously, Kappa sushi was considerd the top sushi chain. Do you know why? It’s very simply — Sushiro’s sushi tastes good and is cost-effective. In Japan, conveyor belt sushi restaurant is very popular for family, but seems to be less than delicious. The costs of facilities are expensive, so the taste is neglected. Under the circumstances, Sushiro adopted a simple system and spent money on the ingredient in Sushi. As a result, Sushiro becomes popular. There are around 500 Sushiro restaurants in Japan. If you visit Japan, I recommend you go to Sushiro with Japanese

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